What is a Doula?


As doulas, we offer non-medical support to women (mothers) and their partners during the birth cycle, which is that period of time, that starts at pregnancy, sees you through the birth and concludes with appropriate postpartum closure. A doula accompanies a woman or a couple in emotional and practical terms.

Doulas address those needs that are otherwise unmet by the medical-only focus of this very special moment in life. This is to say, that through emotional guidance at each and every stage of the birth cycle, we complement the medical functions carried out by doctors, gynaecologists and midwives, by addressing, rather, the precious and vital needs of human sensibility, creating a more integrated and holistic support base and driving to a more joyful and transformational experience for all concerned.


Foto: Stefanie Tüscher www.einfach-geborgen.ch

Doulas are normally mothers themselves and bring to the table, not only the invaluable experience learned from their training and previous clients as well as regular further training, but also the lessons learned from their own birthing experiences.

For the mother, working with a doula, it is an amazing opportunity to think through and express her deepest wishes, hopes and fears throughout the birth cycle.  

For the partner,
the presence and interactive engagement of a doula can help him manage the often overwhelming flood of emotions that accompany the birth cycles, as well as address concerns and sorrows. Importantly, it also helps open up a space for the partner to stay engaged and better attuned to the mother’s needs, and vice versa. And as might be imagined, it can also help the partners stay level headed in those critical moments when difficulties arise and decisions need to be thought through and made as a couple.

For both mother and partner, working with a doula is a vital opportunity to work through different scenarios of childbirth, to set out their ideal state paths, and to think through possible plan Bs in advance.

Shoud the family wish to have further support during childbed, I additionally offer post partum help.

Benefits of a doula:

Several studies have shown positive effects associated with the supportive and continuous accompaniment of a doula (or other trusted person) during the birth:

  • Shortened labour
  • Pain- and relaxing medications such as epidural are applied more rarely
  • Fewer complications
  • Lesser use of contractions-supporting substances
  • Fewer forceps- and vacuum delivery
  • Fewer C-sections
  • Newborns were more reactive and drank from the breast
  • Strengthening couple bond

 source: www.doula.ch