Born 1976 and grown up in Canton of Zug. I am a mother of two beautiful children, who were born in 2004 and 2013 respectively, with the support of a wonderful midwife who rather acted as a doula to me. I experienced both my births as wonderful and very transformative moments. My deep trust in myself and my body gave me strength. Our family history also includes our three "Sternenkinder", whom I carry very firmly in my heart.
I like to be creative, love to paint mandalas, do a lot of sewing and reading, I climb and often spend time in nature.
Our famliy dog accompanies me to family visits. Be it for first get to know, birth preparation or support postpartum. She is calm, clean and allergic-friendly (Maltese) and brings a lot of joy.
My own experiences as a pregnant, birthing and breastfeeding mom were so amazing, that they inspired me in turn to support other mothers in the course of their journeys through the birth cycle. I also do know what it means to lose a child through miscarriage.
My passion for this work as a doula is
therefore driven by the feeling and hope that all pregnant women should be able
to widen their choice of support beyond the strictures of core family and
medical practice to a place that can offer emotional support that is also
neutral, non-judgemental and independent of the commercial drivers of the child
birth industry, should they seek it.
I offer support throughout Zug, Aargau, Zürich, Luzern and Schwyz. Please ask for other regions. And beyond the birth phase, I also offer postpartum support, home visits and more besides.
Further education:
"Professionell begleiten bei
Fehlgeburt" at Fachstelle, Bern
"Gewalt unter der Geburt" with
socialogist and writer Christina Mundlos (D), Pfäffikon
"Spinning Babies" Workshop with Jennifer Walker (NL), Basel
"Geburt und Hypnose" Basic and Advanced with Susanne Keller Loomans, Uster
"Wochenbett - wie begleite ich kompetent und professionell" bei Anne Papendieck (D), Mühlau
"Postpartale Depression - psychische Gesundheit im Übergang zur Elternschaft", Verein Postpartale Depression Schweiz
"Insomnie im Zusammenhang mit postpartaler Depression, Verein Postpartale Depression Schweiz
"Lehrgang für Fachpersonen zur Begleitung und Unterstützung Hochsensibler
und Hochsensitiver Personen" bei Brigitte Küster, Institut für
Hochsensibilität (ifhs), Altstätten
"ensa Erste Hilfe Fokus Erwachsene", Erste Hilfe für psychische Gesundheit, Stiftung Pro Mente Sana, Ensa Schweiz
As my doula diploma project I choose: "long term breastfeeding". This was the starting point for writing my book.
In April 2020 my first book was published: "Langes Stillen - natürlich, gesund, bedürfnisorientiert"
Swiss Doula Association
la leche league of Switzerland
Fachstelle Kindsverlust während Schwangerschaft, Geburt und erster Lebenszeit
Verein Stärnechind
mental health club, Stiftung Pro Mente Sana
The film "Der tägliche Beweis für Grossartigkeit" (partly in english) is a documentary film of two film production students, which shows the birth of Phoebe Storm. I had the honor to support this family as her doula.
Link to the film: